The perfect guy
The main themes in the perfect guy is romance, paranoia and violence
The trailer from the beginning starts out as a clear romance because it starts of as a man and woman but the she wants to take the next step in the relationship but he doesn't so the break up and she ends up dating another guy who seems to want give her everything she wants in a relationship.
she then gets back with them to with the first guy and they seem to be on the right page as her. she is containly falling in and out of love with two guys.
In the trailer the beginning of the trailer Michael ealy is viewed as the "perfect guy" but later on the he has this side of him when he is at the gas station and a guy approaches he car with his girlfriend and the guy is asking about the car then Michael grabs him and beats him up. violence has been carried out throughout the film it. their is a specific scene where Michael ealy has hatches a plan to kill the current guy because he has become obsessed with being with her. the last scene is a last stand of between Michael ealy and the woman which is quite violent.
the woman becomes filled with paranoia, paranoid by the fact that the person she loved was someone is someone completing different. this made her feel like she could trust anyone and that everyone was against her. Michael ealy was infatuated by her and became obsessed. she fought back at a point and filed for a restraining order on him which only resulted in him acting out and focusing in soully on her. the fact he killed her boyfriend and she know it was him made her even more paranoid and scare with made her buy a gun to keep her safe. she stayed away from her friends she became isolated and angry because he turned her into this.
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