Sunday, 1 January 2017

Response to Brief & past exprerience Blog post

I have see quite a few thriller films and they have helped me to understand ways in which I can use them. one strength I have is I know from seeing thrillers there is always an on going investigation about someone and the protagonist has to find out why certain things are happening. I also understand that thriller are not meant to scare you it is only meant to keep you on the edge of your seat.

I know how to edited scene to make it feel more a thriller themed movie. I also understand what music should go with scenes. In lesson I have learnt how thrillers are usually structured.
Things such as linear which is the film start from the beginning middle and end. non linear is changing the order the way the film is shot. that can help me understand ways to create my own thriller.

In lesson I learnt that mise-en-scene means different way in which the surroundings of the scene can connote the way the character are feeling and their state of mind. this could be things like dark colours to convey one of the characters are feeling scared or trapped. A room filled with the red can fore shadow death later on in the film. Enigmas is another terminology that learnt meaning questions that the audience will ask at the beginning or throughout the film.
Things that hinder me with thrillers are, I haven't made one before.

Thriller opening sequence:
an opening sequence is the very beginning of a film and the question you think about and it sets up the tone of the film. opening sequence can start in different ways such as, minimal dialogue which is a terminology for giving the audience less information as possible. thrillers could also use super imposed graphics which is images that appear over the top of the film usually introducing actors and produces.
One terminology I found is good for thrillers is smash mouth beginnings which means the film doesn't give to time to react it just throws straight into the film. Enigma are usually set in the opening sequence which means the audience will already have question for the film to answer which keeps the audience connected to the film. Non linear beginnings is another great way from thrillers to keep the audience interested in the film because it creates unanswered questions.

Explanation of demographics:
from the my ideas I have reviewed the age range for a English I would say that my thriller idea would say that it would fit in the 15+ age range because it has content that won't be suitable for younger viewers.

I would add topics that people around that age would relate so that they are more interest them and would get them more involve them in the film which would create a better area for my ideas to create tension and suspense.
The advantages of making a thriller opening for the audience creates enigmas and gets the audience with unanswered question so they have to watch the film to get the answers to the question. It also means that it will get the audience at the edge of their sits.
I think that the audience might not be able to understand the fully story and the concept behind my thriller. I might be able to create tension or suspense or i might be able to keep the audience at the edge of their sits.

I will have add images and music so the that the audience get a feel for what era and what the tone of the film is going to be on. This could also that give the audience an indication of the personality of the one of the characters.

Industry requirements:
An media institution that my opening sequence is being produced for is Netflix because our target audience is between 16-24 which most people at that age use Netflix so working with them would benefit us. Netflix is based in the UK and America which are one of the two biggest place where Netflix is being used. The advantages of working with Netflix is that they have a younger audience watch but not too young which is our target audience. They have many viewers and have had great reviews from their past produced film. An disadvantage is that they are an up and coming film producing company with could have so draw backs. Although their past series have had great success they have not done much films. Issues that we must consider. Because we a producing for countries like the UK and US we have the add elements.
I will be working with youtube videos because it is current to our target and it will reach a lot of people in our target audience. The text I would be using is trailers because they would get a feel of the film before watching it.

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