Sunday, 1 January 2017

focus group results and analysis

what is you favorite thriller?

Their said their favorite thriller film which gave me a indication on what type of film I should do.
Because the wife in gone girl is the main antagonist we can use her personality in our thriller film. With the perfect guy we could use the sadistic nature of the main antagonist for the main woman in our thriller film. 
Shannia- gone girl because she found it wonderful and had the biggest twist
Teniola- the perfect girl because it had drama, romance and violent aspects. It was just really good
Donika- sinister because of the scary demon.

what did you think of the characters in this trailer?

From this I can gather that the group like the spilt personality disorder because it creates questions and has them interested in the film from the start so makes them want to watch the whole thing. They all said that the main character and his issues are the most interesting. I can incorrupt it with our thriller by making the main character have a spilt personality disorder and have them have the same sort of problems. We could used the flash back element in the opening sequence which will link with the dramatic music. So as the opening sequence is going along the woman is reading the letter she is getting flash backs of her and husband. The dramatic music would be playing along so the audience have a indication of what the film is going to be like.
I briefly gave them an over view if the film then they watched it 
Santa- the main character was weird and scary what's wrong with him
Aneymbom- yeah the main character does he have that spilt thing. that good kind of scary
Donika- the girls looked so scared and why is the guy dressing up as different people
Shannia- the music made me jump I was so scared  

My groups idea: how can will improve? What can I add to improve my groups idea

The group said that the music was one of the biggest aspect of the trailer making them jump and scared and the flashing effects can be used as flash backs for the opening sequence because it would create question for the audience. One of them said a good story line and a twist at the end would make the film great and keep the audience interested. We could used the flash backs in the opening sequence to create a dramatic feel.
I told them our idea for a thriller and asked them how can we add the elements of the trailer into our thriller film
Shannia- the loud jumpy music was good it made me jump
Teniola- the way the trailer kept cutting was good
Aneymbom- the music was a key element to the trailer that's what made it good
Donika- yeah but I think that it was the flashing parts that made the trailer
Santa- the story part of the trailer had me wanting to watch the movie

What kind of music do you think goes with thrillers?

The music that are in the trailer were quite tense and dramatic so I can add to my thriller and that can give us the ability to make the audience feel how ever we want them or think what we want. The group listen to the films sound track because that will give them an indication on what the films going to like. I asked what type of music the like and they said more modern music. This gave me an indication of what type of music I can use in the opening sequence. I can use a song that has a dramatic build in the opening sequence because it will keep the audience interested.
Teniola- tenses and jumpy
Donika- yeah dramatic and tenses

What makes a good opening sequence? 

the group said that to make a good opening sequence I would need to grab the audience from the beginning and create questions from the start and not give to much of the story away but remember that it sets the tone for the rest of the film. We could use the sudden change when the woman reading the letter so she changes in personality really quickly out of the blue while reading the letter. The way I would set the tone of the film is words on the letter so just show specific words so the audience understand what type of film this is. However it does not give too much way so it makes the audience ask questions.
I explained what a open sequence was then showed them an A level groups opening sequence
Donika- it has to grab from the start
Aneymbom- it sets the tone for the whole movie so you need to show what route the movie going down

What did you think of that opening sequence and how can we add elements of this in our ideas?

The focus group said what can I add to the opening sequence is the sudden jumps and the editing skills because that what kept them interested and that what made want to watch the rest of the film. They also really liked the idea of the main character having spilt personality disorder because it a great concept and that's why the first trailer was their favorite. The group were more focused on the first trailer because they loved the idea of someone of having a mental issue and most of them are taking psychology for A level so they already had an interest with these to do with psychology.
Shannia- I thought was good the sudden change made me jump
Aneymbom- from the first trailer I think that you could the spilt personality think and the body changing for the different personalities
Santa- I liked the first trailer a lot coz of the different personalities you need to add that

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