Sunday, 23 April 2017

reflection set up

On the 20th of April we filmed Naomi's walking on the street scene. The weather was windy and we had to wait for the weather to calm down till we could film. One of the main problem we faced was people walking passing and we had to re shoot at least 20 times we became very annoying but we over came this by just waiting and asked people kindly to walk around the camera. Next thing we have to film is the unknown man scene.
The next scene we filmed was the unknown man scene. We filmed this on the 20 of April, right after Naomi's scene. This was and easy scene to film the weather had calmed down and it was done quick and easy. The only difficultly we faced was the wind picked up and certain times when we wanted to re shoot. We over came this by waiting for the weather to calm down. The next scene we had to film was the cafe scene.

The next scene was the cafe scene which was done on the 20th of April. This one took the longest because we had to ask permission to shoot this scene which meant waiting for the manager to come and sign the location release form. One of the problem we faced is the manager did not tell his staff that we were going to film. So we have to wait for the manager to come and tell tell them we can film. We over came this by calling the manager and he confirmed that we can film, once that happen we filmed and got our scene.

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