Monday, 13 March 2017

task allocation week 12

production log week 12

mood board

1. The Master Bedroom
Convention: This image is one of the locations for the opening sequence. This image shows a bedroom that gives a warm, well-cared for environment. This image of a bedroom suggests to the audience that this location is an upper-classed atmosphere with expensive furniture.
What I like about this image is that it is a suitable look for what I am looking for as a high-classed bedroom, and it is still likely to film as it is not too expensive looking. This image inspires me because it will be easier to film in a close up, rather than spending money and time on a huge bedroom that has to look suitable for a luxurious lifestyle, so this image fits in perfectly as it doesn't show too much but still gives a sense of richness and wealth. This image is relevant to my film as it gives an example to when Naomi finds Davids suicide note and breaks down in reaction. This is the sort of location I see when thinking of Naomi reading the letter, and calling after her housemaid.

2. The Alleyway/Abandoned Warehouse

Convention: This image is another location for the opening sequence when David calls Naomi. This image is a rust alleyway/warehouse that the mysterious caller will be when he phones Naomi. He is disposing a body here. A secluded alley gives the sense of mystery and privacy, as if someone isn't up to any good, an alleyway is also a good area to film when someone who is trying to hide a deceased body in. The abandoned warehouse is also necessary to my film as it gives a sense of mystery and eeriness towards the film. It is also necessary as David needs to find a suitable place to dispose of the body without anybody suspecting anything.

3. The Cafe                                                                                                                                                     

Convention: This is the type of area where we will be filming when Naomi enters a cafe in the opening sequence. This is a cafe that looks clean and looks somewhat upper classed, so it suites their lifestyle. It is in a good environment, which is the atmosphere we are going for. A cafe is a good place to film as we can show the audience that Naomi was not in on the plan of Davids fake suicidal, as she was not home. A warmly lit cafe inspires me because it looks more city based, and I feel like a cafe with these colour themes will go well will the overall theme of our opening sequence as most things will be warm colour themes.This is why we will be actually filming in a cafe that looks modern and also looks as if Naomi lives in the city. When David is in the alleyway/warehouse, Naomi answers the phone when she is sitting in a cafe like this.

4. The Suicide Letter

 Convention: The letter that David leaves behind as evidence for his suicide its a letter that is in italic writing, to show his wealth in education and writing. This is a letter that shares information to the audience, because it reads context as to why he committed suicide, and the background of their relationship. A rusty letter with neat, italic handwriting like these images inspire me because it shows how David was skillful in writing, and it also explains what caused his suicide. A letter that shares information towards the audience is advantageous as it lowers confusion. These images are relevant to my film as it is the key piece of evidence that gives people an idea as to what might have happened before Davids sudden death, and it also explains why he suddenly killed himself. It also keeps the story flowing, rather than having questions from confused people.

5. The Police Station

When I think of the police station for our film, this the type of setting I vision. A police station that must be very dull and has artificial lights, such as bright white and bright red lights, this is mainly to match the aesthetic. I find this suitable as it makes the scenery more uncomfortable, dull and dreary. Having these descriptions in a police department makes it more serious, and slightly eerie. A dull police station makes it seem like the police station has been around for a long time, and has dealt with many investigations in the past. It also shows that the police station has a history of mysterious stories that suites the story line of our film. A police station like these images inspire me because it makes me feel as if the police station has a dark mystery to it, and a section of the building where they keep dangerous criminals. These images are suitable to my film as a police station scene is necessary when there is a huge investigation towards David and Naomi, there has to be an are where all the investigating and interrogation is taking place.

6. The Private Jet

The private jet is where the last scene takes place, and we find Naomi and David in the plane, jetting off together to live there private lives away from London. The private jet symbolises wealth, and luxury. This is an important point as we must remind our audience that David and Naomi are from a wealthy background. The reason why it is night time is because I feel as if it is more secretive, mysterious, and big plot twists tend to happen at the end of the day, when the world seems to be asleep, but someone somewhere is up to no good, and this scene shows a clear representation of that, this is also the reason as to why a private jet is necessary towards the ending of the film. 

7. The House under Investigation

This is the type of house I vision when I think of David and Naomi's home. I think this house is an appropriate example of portraying their wealth and it is also a convenient area to have a police investigation under, as it is spacious, and has many areas that can have evidence for the investigation. This house indicates the main basis of the film, as it is the area the most scenes are taking place. The house is necessary towards our film as we need a place to show the audience what is going on and what the storyline is. It also holds clues that is only identified until the very end, which is too late then.

8. The Black Gloves

The black leather gloves portray a feminine quality towards Naomi, not only does it prove her wealth and sophistication,
but it also shows secrecy and mystery, as if she doesn't want to leave any of her traces behind, as if she doesn't want to be identified with anything, also to show she is a women who keeps to herself, and is not open with her identity. This underlines the fact that she is very mysterious, and very puzzling. Black leather gloves inspire me because I imagine Naomi to dress a certain way that does not identify her age, because she dresses older than she actually is.

9. The Interrogation Room

 The interrogation room is where the interview between Detective Miguel and Naomi takes place. The dark room and the single light bulb shows the enigma of the scene. The space between the two characters shows the distance of relationship between them.  The layout of an interrogation room is designed to increase Naomi's discomfort. The interrogation room is also physically designed to make Naomi feel powerless. These images inspired me specifically because it reminds me of a typical thriller investigation film.

10.The Mysterious Man

 The mysterious man that is not identified until the end of the film is David. The reason as to why he remains a history throughout the film is because the audience assume he is dead, from suicide. These images make me vision the look of a mystery man because it highlights the key aspects of it. IE: the hat, the long black coat, the foggy/misty weather, etc. Once again, night time is a time where mysterious people come out of their hiding places and do what they do undercover, as in daylight, hey could be spotted easier. A dark sky also symbolises secrecy.

11.The Streets at Night

 As I have explained before, people who do not want to be identified in broad daylight because of who they are and what actions they are doing, tend to come out of their hidings at night when the rest of the city are asleep. This is so they can do their tasks undercover, without giving themselves away to the public. Because David is a socially popular individual because of his family background, and his wealth, he must only walk the streets at night where he cannot be seen.


As Davids suicide has been released to the public, reporters follow Naomi around and ask questions about the case. This is because David and Naomi were both individuals who were known to the public from their social class and family background. These images inspire me as I imagine there could be a scene where Naomi is trying to get into the police station but she is mobbed by reporters and paparazzi asking questions about Davids mysterious and sudden death.